
来源:星辰影院人气:766更新:2022-07-28 03:31:44

Ranon好看吗当然好看么。。 超好看!
tom ran 50 meters on s____d____
乘以时间等路程,总路程是360米,前半段时间的速度是每秒5米,后半每秒4米.由于Tom跑每秒5米和每秒4米都总时间的一半,设总时间的一半为x,故前段路程等于5x(速以时间),后段等于4x(注:5x不等于一半路程,4x也是).两段路程合起来就是总路程,5x 4x = 360.然后合并同类项和解方程,得x = 40.问题求的是后半段路程所用时间,路程的一半是180米.Tom最后用每秒4米的速度跑了4 × 40 = 160米,还有20米是用每秒5米的速度跑的,而这段一共是用了20 ÷ 5 = 4秒.这4秒加上后面换了速度跑的40秒,得出答案Tom一共用了44秒去跑后半段180米的路程.
---He ran into a tree on his way home. ----I s
When I first learned to write on English, I ran into many difficulties. The ma...
1. on-in  2. 去in   3. anything-everything   4. my-a   5. should
6. talk-talking   7. me-myself 8. showed后it    9. reads-read   10. word-words

I ran into Alice, who was on her way to see how I was getting along.
on one`s way to在某人去。。的路上
He ran on the playground .



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