
来源:星辰影院人气:602更新:2022-07-27 21:51:08

Directors:Jimmy Hayward,Steve Martino
Release Date:14 March 2008 (USA)
Genre:Animation | Adventure | Comedy | Family
In the Jungle of Nool, a caring, imaginative elephant named Horton (Jim Carrey) takes a dip in the pool. A dust speck floats past him in the air, and he hears a tiny yelp coming from it. Believing that an entire family of microscopic creatures are living on that speck, he places it on top of a clover that he holds in his trunk.

In fact, he finds out the speck harbors the city of Whoville and all its inhabitants, led by Mayor Ned McDodd (Steve Carell). He has a loving wife, Sally (Amy Poehler), 96 daughters, and one son named JoJo (Jesse McCartney), who, by Who custom, is next in line for the mayoral position, and as such, gives it his best effort to give JoJo enough attention. Unaware to Ned, JoJo doesn't share his father's wish. Ned is aware, though, that JoJo does not speak and tries to befriend him to get him to speak.

Horton and the Mayor both agree that Whoville needs a more permanent, stable environment, and Horton resolves to place the speck atop Mt. Nool, the safest place in the jungle. This outlook earns Horton nothing but ridicule from the inhabitants of Nool, especially from the strict Sour Kangaroo (Carol Burnett), who tries to get Horton to give up the speck, so as not to put ridiculous ideas into the heads of the children. Ever faithful to his motto, "A person's a person, no matter how small," Horton refuses. Also showing disbelief toward Horton are the Wickersham brothers (all voiced by Dan Fogler), a group of bullish monkeys who love making misery.

All the small incidents that Horton experiences on his trek across the jungle have a catastrophic effect on Whoville. He almost falls off of rickety bridge, which causes a dentist's needle to accidentally slip into the Mayor's arm while getting a root canal taken care of. At night, leaving the clover outside will cause it to frost, which creates winter in the summer down in Whoville. As the other Whos become suspicious, the Mayor finally reveals the truth, but the Whos don't believe him any more than the animals believe Horton.

Sour Kangaroo enlists a nefarious vulture named Vlad Vladikoff (Will Arnett) to get rid of the speck by force. Vlad manages to steal the speck and drop it from hundreds of feet into a valley full of identical clovers. The impact nearly demolishes Whoville like an earthquake, yet Horton finds the right clover, after painstakingly picking 2,999,999 clovers through the field. The earthquake is enough to convince the rest of the Whos that the mayor is not crazy, and they all tell Horton they believe in him.

Sour Kangaroo finds out that Horton still has the speck, and, as her patience completely runs out, forms a mob by telling lies to get rid of the speck once and for all. The animals plan to rope and cage Horton, but Kangaroo turns this into a chance for attention, and offers Horton an ultimatum: give up the speck and "admit" he was wrong, or pay the price. Despite a heartfelt speech from Horton that clearly touches the animals, Kangaroo still takes this refusal as an insult, orders them to proceed with the torture, and drop the speck into a pot of boiling beezlenut oil, which is shown to have acidic properties.

The Mayor enlists all of his people to make noise by shouting, "We are here!", so the animals can hear them. JoJo runs off to Whoville's abandoned Star-Studying Tower and soon Ned takes off after him. Inside, he reveals his ingenious invention: the Symphoniphone, a giant machine that serves as an orchestra, and proceeds to add it to the mix of sounds. Still, the animals don't hear anything and Kangaroo steals the clover, holds it over the oil, and lets go. In a last-ditch effort, JoJo grabs the horn used to project Horton's voice, runs up the highest tower and yells "YOPP!" A sound wave emerges and ripples up to the clouds, which are already under a lot of stress, and collides with them, causing an explosion. Hearing the Whos' cries, Rudy (Josh Flitter), the Sour Kangaroo's son, grabs the clover and returns it to Horton, denying his mother's orders to return to her pouch. The animals finally realize the atrocity they almost committed. Sour Kangaroo is shocked and ashamed, but Horton forgives her. At the end of the film, everyone helps Horton carry the speck up to the top of Mt. Nool. The camera zooms out, revealing that, along with numerous other worlds, the Jungle of Nool is a speck.




别人笑我太疯癫——《霍顿与无名氏》观后感 这是一部拍给大人看的动画,关于生命、爱,与正义。大象霍顿偶然地听到苜蓿花上传来的声音,于是,他发现了这个生存在一粒灰尘上的小镇——无名镇。霍顿开始与这个镇子的镇长纳特沟通,试图使纳特相信,他们确实生活在一粒灰尘上。最终,镇长相信了,并请求霍顿将他们带到一个安全的地方。霍顿发现,森林里到处潜伏着危机,于是,他决定,将无名镇所依附的这粒灰尘,带到森林的最高处——诺尔山顶,那里有一个宁静祥和的小山洞,“在那里,向日葵茁壮成长,在那里每一个无名氏都会平安无事”。此时,电影开始在一大一小两个世界中切换。在无名镇那个小小世界中,镇长纳特为人热心忠实,公正廉洁,但有时举止怪异。纳特虽为镇长,但却毫无权利,权利集中在自以为是又专制的镇委会主席手中。于是,当纳特将“无名镇其实是存在于一粒灰尘上”这一事实上报镇委会时,遭到了所有镇委会委员的嘲笑,并称他为“boob”;而当他将“无名镇危在旦夕”的消息传达给镇民时,更是遭到了所有人的嘲笑,在大家眼中,纳特俨然是一个“boob”。而在森林世界中,霍顿边向诺尔山顶行进,边对着鼻子上的苜蓿说话。连霍顿最好的朋友,都不相信,那粒灰尘上,确实有着生命。诺顿和苜蓿“说话”的消息很快传到了自认为是森林统治者的袋鼠耳朵里,又是一个自以为是又不可一世的家伙,她认为霍顿这样的行为不能够被容忍,于是派出秃鹫袭击霍顿。秃鹫百般阻挠,但霍顿凭借着他的聪明勇敢,终于战胜了秃鹫。而此时,霍顿再次和镇长纳特取得了联系,并配合纳特,让镇民们相信了,纳特所说的一切,都是真的。就在霍顿即将到达目的地时,袋鼠又被有用心地以“霍顿的行为给孩子们造成不良影响”为由,煽动森林中的各种动物一起围截霍顿。在这千钧一发的时刻,无名镇镇民们集合在一起,声嘶力竭地呐喊着:“we are here,we are here!”。终于,呐喊声冲破了重重阻隔,传到了外面的世界。无名镇得救了,霍顿得救了。 美国人喜欢讽刺,无一例外,这部电影也充满了讽刺。当无名镇镇委会主席对所有镇民说,无名镇一切安好,充满快乐、光荣和欢庆时,我想到了易卜生的《人民公敌》,想到了过去多年的“非典”,以及刚刚发生的“手足口病”中,政府的表现。在去年世界银行在北京开的关于“环境污染导致中国人早亡”的问题会议,也用了这部戏作为收尾。而看到袋鼠以“孩子将会受害”的名义煽动动物们去攻击霍顿,却毫不在乎孩子听到秃鹫的残忍、暴力的描述时,我感到,那是多么地熟悉。总有一些伪君子,打着“保护孩子”的名义,挑起事端,煽动群众,制造愤怒,以达到打倒自己的对立面的险恶目的。而他们,真的在乎孩子吗?再说这次的汶川地震,这样的国难之后,就出现了一批道德流窜犯,到处打着道德的旗号,说这家公司捐得少了,那位名人捐得少了,这位又如何,那位又如何,最好以“群众的力量”,将自己看得不爽的人通通抹杀。而他们,真的关心灾区,关心灾民吗?即便如此,电影却依旧充满让人感动的东西。当大象霍顿在百万的苜蓿丛中搜索那只粘有灰尘的苜蓿时,当他从一直搜寻到正午,搜了9005支苜蓿濒临崩溃时,当他最终在风中寻觅到那支苜蓿时,以及寻到之后的狂喜,都让我动容。在震后的废墟上,搜救人员,也是是如此地搜寻着吧。救出幸存者后,也是如此的激动吧。一样的,都是对生命的尊重与爱,一样的。而在关键时刻,无名镇所有镇民齐声的呐喊,也是感人至深的。那样的万众一心,那样的众志成城,岂不也似曾相识?最后还要回到同志上,我们同志群体,好比这个无名镇,被人不了解、不认同,甚至不知道。而我们确实存在着,但我们的呼声没人听见。而在如此的情况下,有没有霍顿为我们说话,为我们争取权利?有,如李银河老师,如张北川老师,都是“霍顿”。但我们,还需要更多的霍顿。而在需要的时候,我们同志群体有没有无名镇那样的凝聚力,能不能团结起来,为争取我们的权利?这值得我们思考。最后以霍顿的在电影中的名言结束,“a person is a person,no matter how small”,这也是对佛教的众生平等的思想的表达。


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