
来源:星辰影院人气:249更新:2022-07-28 00:07:26



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第一季 http://yunpan.cn/cJca9Iv3I6MmS (提取码:b4af)
第二季 http://yunpan.cn/cJcaU4zeeM2YH (提取码:221a)
第三季 http://yunpan.cn/cJcaDBWnm25PR (提取码:1946)
第四季 http://yunpan.cn/cJcazs3VAMWyq (提取码:d499)
第五季 http://yunpan.cn/cJcazeZj5xNkN (提取码:d030)
第六季 http://yunpan.cn/cJcapwzWPWfvq (提取码:7a9e)
第七季 http://yunpan.cn/cJcapibcptpw7 (提取码:ac1a)
第八季 http://yunpan.cn/cJca4kvmPmiFN (提取码:e28b)
Howard: So, you can never take it off?

Leonard: No.

Raj: Not even to sleep?

Leonard: No.

Howard: So, you’re just an idiot?

Leonard: It’s called proving a point.

Howard: Is the point that you’re an idiot?

Sheldon: Gentlemen, please. Leonard is trying to walk a mile in my metaphorical shoes. He can’t walk in my actual shoes. He has the feet of a toddler.

Raj: So, how are you gonna return the DVD if the store went out of business?

Leonard: Monday morning I’ll go downtown, look up the owner’s information and send him the DVD. Pay the late fee, and prove to Sheldon that you can have a problem and solve it without acting like a complete lunatic. Ah!

Howard: And the man impersonating a bear would like everyone to know that only you can prevent forest fires.

Raj: I don’t get it.

Howard: You didn’t have Smokey the Bear in India?

Raj: No. Oh, is he anything like, uh, Mun-Mun the Mongoose? He taught us not to play with cobras.

Howard: You had to be taught not to play with cobras?

Raj: You had to be taught not to burn down the forest?

Scene: Penny’s apartment.

Penny: Hey, if you guys were hungry, why didn’t you order something at the restaurant?

Bernadette: We did, you never brought it.

Penny: Oh, that’s right. Nachos and a turkey club.

Amy: Not even close.

Penny: Well, I was too busy standing up for my friend to worry about your, I want to say salmon.

Amy: You want to say sorry.

Bernadette: So, how are you gonna tell Raj abut what you did?

Penny: What do you mean how? What’s the big deal?

Amy: You told Lucy he was a pathetic mess.

Bernadette: Then you made her cry and leave.

Penny: Okay, you guys are overreacting. Raj is gonna appreciate how I had his back.

Scene: The same, later.

Raj: What is wrong with you, Penny? You ruined any chance I had of getting back with Lucy. Now she knows I’m a desperate mess instead of just being pretty sure. (Phone text sound) It’s Lucy. She wants to meet for coffee. I love you, Penny.

Scene: Sheldon’s office.

Howard: Hey, what’re you working on?

Sheldon: I’m thinking about how one could use the fact that a rapidly rotating mirror turns virtual photons into real ones as a method of observing dark energy.

Howard: That’s a pretty cool idea.

Sheldon: Yeah. It’s great you’re here. I’d love to get an engineer’s opinion.

Howard: Sure.

Sheldon: This chair is squeaky. Now, do I fix it or get a new one?

Leonard: Well, Sheldon, it took me all morning, but I found the owner of the video store. And I am happy to report that he died peacefully in his sleep, drunk at the bottom of a pool. Anyway, there is no one to return the DVD to, so this issue is resolved. Ah! And I’d just like to point out that even though the sweater was uncomfortable, I didn’t use it as an excuse to antagonize everyone around me.

Howard: You know, you could reimburse the video store owner’s next of kin.

Leonard: Or it’s resolved.

Sheldon: Hey, that next of kin thing sounds pretty good.

Howard: I believe this is yours.
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